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For most people with a product or service to sell, promotion isn’t hard. You know the product inside and out, and can talk about it until you’re blue in the face. But. Something is missing. You’re not closing as many sales as you should be, even though you’re putting in a lot of time. Instead […]

#LadyBoss Life

1 Trick To Help You Close More Sales

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Do you struggle to come up with content for your social media? You’re not alone! We all know that consistency wins when it comes to building a solid following, but some days it’s hard to know what you should be posting. After all, you’re probably running a business and a household, too. Don’t worry, we’ve got you […]

#LadyBoss Life

Another 30 Days of Social Media Post Ideas

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Have you ever wondered why one of your competitors seems to always be one step ahead of you or why she seems to be able to close more sales than you can? Part of that may be her competitive advantage.  When it comes to entrepreneurship, there are seven characteristics that many successful business owners have. […]


The 7 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Have in Common

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I’ve noticed that people who are frustrated with their business growth-rate use excuses about how they lack talent or skills. “I’m not good at sales,” or “I don’t have friends” or “I don’t know how to use photoshop” or “I’m an introvert.” Let me tell you, skills can be learned. You just have to be […]


10 Things You Can Do Right Now That Require Zero Talent

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I love my job. I love getting to wake up every day and do what I do. I love the people I work with. I even like Mondays better than Fridays! However, just because I love working doesn’t mean my job (and your job) doesn’t come with a good deal of stress like any other […]


The DOs and DON’Ts To Keep Your Office Stress-Free

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One area I continually feel like a failure in is conflict management and resolution. I didn’t grow up with good examples. My family was a fight to the death kind of family. If there was a problem it was an immediate war, which has made me avoid conflict in business. As I’ve grown, those lessons […]


1 Word To Eliminate From Your Business Vocabulary

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Wake Up The Podcast

it's time to live life without the snooze button

Wake Up is a podcast about growth and fulfillment. In her authentic style, Lindsay will entertain you and make you laugh while pushing you to show up for yourself and recognize how powerful you really are. Buckle up; you're about to grow! 

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