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The other day I got an email from PodBean that the BossUp! Podcast made it into the top ten in the business category! PodBean hosts over 150,000 different podcasts.  What the what?! You guys. I’m so pumped! And I’m so grateful that you’re liking and listening and sharing. I’m still having so much fun recording […]


Boss Up! is a Top 10 Business Podcast on PodBean!

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Have you ever wondered why one of your competitors seems to always be one step ahead of you or why she seems to be able to close more sales than you can? Part of that may be her competitive advantage.  When it comes to entrepreneurship, there are seven characteristics that many successful business owners have. […]


The 7 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Have in Common

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Wake Up The Podcast

it's time to live life without the snooze button

Wake Up is a podcast about growth and fulfillment. In her authentic style, Lindsay will entertain you and make you laugh while pushing you to show up for yourself and recognize how powerful you really are. Buckle up; you're about to grow! 

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