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Intentionally 2015 (read: I’m baaaaack)

February 23, 2015

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In January, I decided I was going to take this year to do a few things very intentionally after working pretty much straight through for the last two years. Abstract stain watercolors

In 2015, I decided I needed to pick a word, I needed to set some intentions and I needed to stick to it. Thank you, Ali Edwards, for making things I can’t resist and sharing your ideas.

This year, I’m coming up on my 2-year-agreement with M. Let me back up a bit here. Almost 2 years ago (on March 25th), Michael and I were having a “discussion” (read: big huge argument) about my working all of the sudden after having sacrificed so much to land him his (at the time) dream job. We had both worked really hard to get him where he was and here I was ripping out the pages of the story we had told ourselves about the life we were going to have. After all either of us could say was said, I asked him, as the man I love and the person that loves me unconditionally to give me two years. “Give me two years to see what I can do with this. If it’s not ‘something’ in two years, I’ll walk away. I need you to let me do this.” Of course, being the man of pure gold that he is, he agreed. That was the day we were done fighting about it.

You better believe I laced up my shoes and started sprinting. I am coming up on two years of the hustle and I am literally almost breathless. My business is on FIRE; I mean it’s a raging forest fire, but I am out of breath. I had to fight off people that I believed wanted the best for me and instead wanted to use me and hurt me. I had learn to drown out the noise of those who wanted to tear me down with words and hurtful actions. I had to struggle with those who wanted to change the direction I knew I should be going. It has been a two year battle; the most amazing, rewarding, hard-fought battle of my life. I have sacrificed having other priorities, including my family. I have sacrificed all semblance of simplicity of life. I have sacrificed play. I have sacrificed focus.  I have been successful but I am tired of the criticism, it’s not supposed to hurt coming from people that don’t know and love me but it does. You know where I believe all of it stems from? A false sense scarcity and unneeded competition.

criticism quote

It’s important that I stick to my word with M. I told him two years and I meant it. So, I’m preparing to put plans in motion so I can keep good on the promises I made. I’m not quitting, let me just say that straight out. I’m not, but I can’t keep up with the amount of people that need me. I have to have a plan to be able to enjoy my life and enjoy my work, which I do. I love my work. I am so passionate about what I do. This is something that is so so hard to do. I’ll never walk away. It’s a part of me like my arms and legs are a part of me. The Lemon Droppers are an extension of me. I just need to get more organized and I need to make room for the new! I’m going to be totally honest with you, this  makes me worried about the fallout I’ll get from the 20,000 + people that depend on me. It makes me worry that I’m letting others down. You know who I’m really letting down? My circle. My family, my friends and myself. Each time I choose someone else that I don’t know ahead of them I feel shame and I know I show them with my actions that they don’t mean as much to me as someone on the other side of my computer.

this matters Lindsay Teague Moreno Blog

In order to help me keep good on my intentions, I’ve decided to blog again. I am going to make it a priority. I’ve decided to do Project Life because I love it and it’s important to me that my kids have it. I have decided to write more because it’s a great way for me to help and teach others. I want to help others. I want to teach and mentor others, I just have to have time to do it. Right now I feel like I’m not doing anything with perfection. There are tiny chinks in everything and the people that end up sacrificing? My husband and kids. My people get more time than they do and that ain’t right.

This year I will:


Starting this blog and making this post is valiant for me. Am I ready to be open on the web like this still? Yes, I am. Am I ready to commit to this? Yes, I am. Am I going to make this blog kick ass? Yes, I am.

Welcome to I hope you like it here. Throughout the coming month, I’ll try to fill up this blog with some of the best posts from my old blog before I shut that one down for good. I’ll be writing on business, scrapbooking, photography and my life. I hope you’ll follow along.

Lindsay Teague Moreno

  1. Emily says:

    Exciting things are happening!!!

  2. Debby says:

    Such an honest and open post. I admire you for the position you put your family and your desire to keep your priorities set. I look forward to reading about your journey as I start my own!

  3. Bella Gardner says:

    Oh my word! So proud of you! Cannot believe all that has been fought for and has been pushed aside for 2 years. Keep working, but work harder with and for those in your circle. I am a Lemon Dropper. I am blown away by what you have created…but it’s time to let those 20,000+ stretch themselves a little more and become the leader you know they can be. I know you have tricks up your sleeve and I cannot wait to see how you construct this “step-back” from the Lemon Droppers to “step-forward” with those in your circle. You will always be my head Lemon Dropper and I will love seeing you work forever on this and I will love even more seeing you and your family be what you have always dreamed of! God bless you, Lindsay! Now go hug those girls and your hubby and read some books together and laugh.

    • Wendy says:

      Amen! GREAT post~ GREAT response and Beautiful Example of a woman leader in today’s world. You are a Daughter of a King, a Wife, a mother, a sister / friend, an Entrepreneur…….and an inspiration to me and so many who are watching you! A true Proverbs 31Woman….. and no, you are not perfect…..but God never asked us for “perfect”~ He just said, “Follow Me…..just keep turning back to Me and I will lead you so that You will learn how to take up your own cross and lead others….” So …. I would say, you are doing this “human” thing pretty darn right!! No failures in God- because if we allow it, our failures are really stepping stones up that mountain! God Bless you Lindsay. You and your family will remain in my prayers. & Thank You……(& a big thanks to your family, for sharing you with us!)

  4. Debbie Sanders says:

    Thank you for the example that you are for everyone around you. You are such an amazing role model. I look forward to reading your blog and learning from you. Thank you for reminding us that sometimes what you sacrifice needs to be stopped so you can refocus on those important to you!

  5. Angie Hampton says:


  6. Gayla says:

    You are one remarkable woman, you have a beautiful family . I’m really saddened by the fact of others hurting you. Your passion, your heart are in the right place. You as a leader you do it so well, I’m so honored to be associated with you as a Lemon Dropper. Thank you so much for every thing you do for us ( me ) in every aspect of this oily goodness . Truly greatful.

  7. Gaby says:

    So powerful! You speak directly to my heart <3

  8. Kathy Gore says:

    I stand and applaud you Lindsay. God Bless you and your family!

  9. Kendra says:

    This is so good to here. Love your business, but loved you before the Lemon Droppers! Can’t wait for Project Life and so much more!

  10. Karen says:

    LOVE this Lindsay! I can relate to so much of it. Thank you for the transparency as always. You are a great leader and example in so many areas – not just the “biz”. 🙂

  11. Nickie Knight says:

    Lindsay, I’m so excited to follow you in the blogosphere! You are the reason I chose to start blogging in 2015.

    I want you to know that you’ve personally made a HUGE impact on me…all the way up here in Alaska, since I started the crazy Lemon Dropper journey in September, 2013. I feel like you have impacted me more than anyone but my enroller, my bestie since 3rd grade, Koleen O’Connor. After I signed up for my kit, I watched ALL of your videos within a span of 24 hours!

    You are an amazing woman and I promise more people have good to say about you than ill. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always shine through.

    I look forward to connecting with you on one more level. And I can’t wait to meet you again in Utah in a few months! 🙂

    <3 Nickie Knight, Alaskan Lemon Dropper,

  12. Miriam says:

    In the last year as I embarked in this adventure for purely “selfish” reasons, I became intertwined with a wonderful group, headed by WOMEN! I couldn’t believe where I landed. I have a “day job” and didn’t think I’d go this route with my oils. You’ve done so much with marketing for us, fighting against all odds, FDA crap, and come to find out, you’ve had certain personal struggles. There are always good people, just as they are bad people. I often wondered how you could do all that with 2 little girls, a husband, a household to help manage. I got tired just thinking of it. You seemed unstoppable. I envied that, in a good way. I wanted more for you, as you travelled, and shared. I am excited about your new blog, for both you and us. God is always present, keep Him in your priorities because remember Jesus died for all of us and He wasn’t always liked/appreciated and in the end he died for US and he knew it was going to happen. You’re doing the right thing. 2 years! A whirlwind, I feel like I ‘know’ you, yet, we’ve never met in person. Women: we will fight to the end for our cubs! Take care of yours, you’ll never regret that decision. God Bless, God speed to you and your loved ones! Thank you!

  13. Michelle Wolff says:

    Well said!

  14. Laura says:

    You are inspiring, Miss Lindsay. I’m happy you are blogging, from one blogger slash Lemon Dropper to another. 😉

  15. Crystal Burchfield says:

    I am so, so, so proud of you Lindsay. Praying for you every day…I made a similar post in my boot camp yesterday, and I know that God must be speaking to us on the same thing.
    Here is an analogy I shared with my confession of needing to take a breather. You are a DANG SHINY RCD. SHINE ON as you take care of FIRST THINGS FIRST. <3 u, Crys
    "Pushing against the Rock
    There once was a man who was asleep one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light and the Saviour appeared to him.
    The Lord told him He had a work for him to do, and showed him a large rock explaining that he was to push against the rock with all his might. This the man did, and for many days he toiled from sunup to sundown; his shoulder set squarely against the cold massive surface of the rock, pushing with all his might. Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, feeling his whole day had been spent in vain.
    Seeing that the man showed signs of discouragement, Satan decided to enter the picture – placing thoughts in the man's mind, such as “Why kill yourself over this?, you're never going to move it!'' or “Boy, you've been at it a long time and you haven't even scratched the surface!'' etc. giving the man the impression the task was impossible and the man was an unworthy servant because he wasn't moving the massive stone.
    These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man and he started to ease up in his efforts. “Why kill myself?'' he thought. “I'll just put in my time putting forth just the minimum of effort and that will be good enough.'' And this he did or at least planned on doing until, one day, he decided to take his troubles to the Lord.
    “Lord,'' he said, “I have labored hard and long in Your service, putting forth all my strength to do that which You have asked of me. Yet after all this time, I have not even budged that rock even half a millimeter. What is wrong? Why am I failing?''
    To this the Lord responded compassionately, “My friend, when long ago I asked you to serve Me and you accepted, I told you to push against the rock with all your strength and that you have done. But never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. At least not by yourself. Your task was to push. And now you come to Me, your strength spent, thinking that you have failed, ready to quit. But is this really so? Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscled; your back sinewed and brown. Your hands are calloused from constant pressure and your legs have become massive and hard. Through opposition you have grown much and your ability now far surpasses that which you used to have. Yet still, you haven't succeeded in moving the rock; and you come to Me now with a heavy heart and your strength spent. I, my friend will move the rock. Your calling was to be obedient and push, and to exercise your faith and trust in My wisdom, and this you have done.’'
    Pushing Against the Rock Author unknown

  16. Stephanie Gossett says:

    Can’t wait to see what’s in store for you and your family!

  17. B says:

    lady. I love you. Selfishly, I’ve missed you. If this means that I get a little piece of MY Lindsay back then I know that YOU also are getting a piece of yourself back. (Sounds corny and narcissistic, but you get my drift.) excited for you, my friend.

  18. Jackie Cole says:

    I AM truly inspired and grateful for all you have done. Thank you

  19. Audrey Bianco says:

    It’s time. And you surely know that. You are a great leader, full of passion and wisdom. Lemondroppers love you. You have done amazing things for this team. I am grateful. Thank you. Love you. Praying for you and yours.

  20. Cindy Nunez says:

    You are awe inspiring Lindsay! I love this and I applaud you as you get your priorities in order and work with valor! Thanks for all you do for us, I so appreciate it! God bless you and your family in 2015!

  21. christy Smith says:

    Very well said..only YOU can take care of you. .

  22. Lauren Ascher says:

    I love this! You aren’t letting us Lemon Droppers down at all. You’re inspiring us to keep our focus on our families first and our business second. As it should be! My word this year is “balance” and I took so much away from this post, so thank you!

  23. Kelli Engler says:

    Inspirational! And just what I needed to read tonight.

  24. Andrea Graham says:

    As always, your transparency and candid nature amaze me. Anytime I get bogged down with too much on my plate, I always think to myself “how does Lindsay handle everything?” I’m in awe of what you do and you inspire me every day! You’ve worked your tail off these past two years and the hard work definitely shows. You’ve earned the right to take time to get right with you and do what needs to be done on the home front! Thank you for everything you do for all of us!

  25. Rosy says:

    My heart is hurting as I read this. Thank you for being transparent enough, courageous enough to share. I will be watching to see how you live out your #onelittleword and how you love your family while loving your business. I will be taking notes…no pressure. Lol. I am already feeling the tug and the pangs and I am nowhere near as far along in this journey as you. So I will pray, and watch, and read. Thanks for taking us along for the ride.

  26. Corinne Delis says:

    Needed to read this as I know I would be were you are right now in two years as well as I am going through and through as well. Missed blogging as well, have my new blog al ost ready for months now and things seem to always get in the way so I haven’t finished it or started it….this week it is done! Thanks for reminding me what matters, next to building a wonderful business.

  27. Becky Vinberg says:

    You are a true inspiration and an amazing leader! I am proud to be a Lemon Dropper and I appreciate all you have done for us over the past two years! You have worked hard to build something that can sustain itself. It is time for you to focus on those loved ones and make them your priority. We will continue to grow and blossom because you have laid the foundation of greatness for each of us! Thank you!

  28. Kim says:

    I have never been more proud of you than in reading these words right here. It’s time. I love you!

  29. julianna says:

    Thank you so much. For everything. Your leadership continues, as you show how important it is to put first those who truly should be first. You rock and I am a better, stronger woman and momma for the good that you’ve shared with me.

  30. Jaime Shea says:

    Addressing the “fallout” that is bound to come. Yes, I’m sure you’re right and there will be people who criticize. But they won’t be the people who have your back or the people who are grateful for what you’ve done to-date. They only want more, more, and more. That is t gratitude. Those of us who want to do what you have done for our families and our future are trying to do so without sacrificing so much of ourselves and our loved ones. We want to know where that balance is and that we can still make it and keep our heads about us. We are rooting for you and are praying that you’re paving the way and proving that we can do it all. There are a LOT of us rooting for you to make your family your #1. We can wait. And that is how we will learn. THANK YOU.

  31. Jill Schnabel says:

    I love you so. Thank you for being so giving of yourself to so many people. You have shaped businesses and changed lives on so many levels. It is time that you reclaim those things that you hold deep in your heart. Focus on your priorities, be happy, and know that I will always be in your corner, quietly cheering you on. I think of you often. I miss you. I miss your family. S’mores and cherry pie filling just aren’t the same without you. xox

  32. Terry Davies says:

    Lindsay, the Lord made each one of us unique and created to love him and each other! You show that in everything you do! Take the time to enjoy it!

  33. Jacquelin Leahy Pearson says:

    I don’t know you personally. I know you through your work. It is amazing! God has annointed you with a gift of leadership that us lemondroppers would follow, learn and take action to help others in their #oilyjourney.

    After reading your post I was reminded of the book series by Bruce Wilkinson- the book ” a life god rewards” Bruce talks about everything you do today matters forever.

    Thank you for taking the time to reflect on your life and show us that we can do the same.

    If you don’t take care of yourself first you won’t be able to take care of others and I know I want good things for you as you want good things for us lemondroppers.

  34. Lori says:

    I’m grateful for all that you have created for us lemondroppers and know that because of your guidance we will succeed. Those that don’t support are what I like to say are that “handful of nuts” that will always be. Can’t get away from them some people just have negativity and although sad, it is what it is! Your husband and babies should always come first! Hustle on Sister!!

  35. Bridget =) says:

    I’m so glad to see you “back.” I’ve missed your sense of humor and your stories. I have followed you since the days of 2Peas and wondered what you’ve been up to! welcome back! =)

  36. CarlaM says:

    you’re just so stinkin cool… and cute too! SO excited for you and for the rebirth of your blog – yahooey!

  37. Barb says:

    You only get 18 Christmases with those adorable babies you have. Don’t waste one minute with them on people who don’t understand that they are why you first started this. You have given them the security that you all craved and needed. Now go enjoy it!!

  38. MaryF says:

    Somehow, you managed to speak the words of my heart! I’ve only been on this lemondropper journey for eight months, and I’m hell bent and determined to make it as kick-ass as it possibly can, but I worry. I worry where I will have to cut corners and already, I have had to make sacrifices, some little, some big.
    I’n excited to see your journey unfold. You have an amazing man standing beside you in this journey!

    Oh, and I’m excited to hang out at HUTS in May! Bring it! 😉

  39. Vicki says:

    Good for you Lindsay. And…how did you put what I feel every single day lately into words. I need to read this a few more times. Good look on meeting these goals. I think you are golden.

  40. Lori Tisdale says:

    I am beyond proud of you. Like Harry was proud of Lloyd (yes, I’m making a D+D reference AGAIN)… I’m proud of you! Seriously… our circle is truly all we’ve got.

  41. Dawn O'Connell says:

    You rock. Your raw feelings on paper, so brave. I have felt similar with my family. I am vowing to bring it back in to our nucleus this year too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for us. Enjoy your family <3

  42. Andrea Keller says:

    your transparency is brilliant. I am a workaholic too. I struggle with not giving spreading myself too thin as well. you are so wonderful because you realize the ones you hurt and you are changing that behavior. shine on with your bad self LTM!

  43. Michelle Sauer says:

    You and your family deserve to simplify. You have worked so hard and now it’s time for YOU. I hope you make that time. You are amazing. Much LOVE to you all!

  44. April Stevens says:

    You can’t worry about what those 20,000+ people on the other side of the computer think- it’s those FOUR sitting at that table with you that matter the most. You have built an empire and laid the bricks in the road for others to follow- it’s a well built road and the point has come that you have to let those you love and care for walk that path alone and trust that the foundation you have laid is followed through. Before you know it, it will be those three little girls you’re sending down the path alone, so you savor every sweet moment you have with them. We’re lemondroppers- we got this because we learned from the best!

  45. Chrissy Morin says:

    I’m a new Lemon Dropper and have to say how much I admire what you have created. It’s ok to put things that are #1 in that position because those things / people are where you get your balance. One question.. I couldn’t figure out how to subscribe to your new blog?

  46. Jody Vajko says:

    I feel such gratitude to God for leading me to this team, to be in a place of learning under your leadership and passion. Two short years – you’ve grabbed it and wrestled everything you could from the opportunity! Ahhhh…now it’s is time to breathe and love yourself and your beautiful family with your whole being…not that you didn’t before. I guess what I’m trying to say, what I see you doing, is what my counselor assigned for me to do: sit down and write out your most “blissful” day. From the moment you awake till you fall asleep – all the sights, sounds, smells, adventures, the peace and the joys, who is with you, where you are, all of it. Then with valor and vulnerability set about creating parts of that day in your now. I think that’s what you’re doing. And, pulling back from the demands of 20,000+ people is such a courageous start. It all has to be sustainable and enjoyable or we’ve missed it entirely. Please keep us posted as to how it’s going in all of the mess of life! Love well, Lindsay. And, soak in the love of the ones closest to you.

  47. Pamela Persson says:

    OMG!!! Just when I go to God in prayer about an aspect of this awesome oil journey, here comes the answer…not necessarily the exact answer in my case…but one that will pave the way with AN answer – Lindsay. I’m the type who thinks ‘down the road’ or ‘what if’ thoughts. I’m at Senior Star and moving slowly. Yet the question came to my mind – what if I make it to Royal Crown Diamond? Will I be able to also lead a ‘normal’ life, or be in such demand from my team that it leaves no time for family, friends, fun. And here is God showing you how to pave the way for others to learn by your example. I praise God daily for what He has called you to do. Truly He never calls the equipped, but equips the called!! You just made my day! (ps. I was ‘afraid’ of hitting RCD – thinking I should ‘stop’ at a lower level – fear is gone!) 🙂

  48. Bridget Cole says:

    I love this post. I need to find out how/what is Project Life, I want to leave memories for my children. I also need more focus. Thank you for this webpage, sharing yourself, and helping so many of us.

  49. Jennifer Ybarra says:


    So happy to see you blogging again, yours has always been a favorite of mine as it is down to earth and inspiring. I’ve always gotten so many great ideas from you, specifically when my kids were tiny littles and everyone around me was stuck in the 1950’s method of raising kids haha. I have you to thank for these kids STILL sleeping like champs and a daughter who could attend pre school early because she was fully potty trained. I know I wasn’t able to keep up with the lemondroppers, it was unfortunately terrible timing when that all began, but I have followed your success and it is truly AMAZING to say the very least. I’ve known you through Aaron for many years and in my conversations with him we have always agreed that if there was anyone that could make it happen, it was you.
    I commend you for taking this next step. It isn’t always an easy one. I know that’s probably a horrible thing for a wife and mom to say but eh… it’s my truth. It was very hard for me to turn down the positions I was offered the last 2 years. I was thriving at work, getting to the part of nursing I finally “clicked” with and really enjoyed… I was finally inspired and excited and didn’t care about working 16 hour days. Until I had an accidental week off and saw how different my family was with me present and NOT stressed out. So here I am, taking a time out from nursing (which thank god you don’t have to let go of your work completely! Nursing is a different beast, it sucks the life out of you when you don’t have the right degree) and while I miss the positives I can be totally honest in saying they weren’t as good as seeing my kids and husband thrive. But it’s like another nurse said to me when I was struggling with this- I would have never known had I not put in the work first. I would have always felt the “what if” instead of seeing the reality of how important being PRESENT in my marriage and my kids lives is.
    So, cheers to you, your success, your family, and your new adventures together. I wish you all the best, always.

  50. Stacy Smith says:

    Lindsey ~ I am so thankful that I came across your blog. You are a powerful writer! Thank you for sharing your heart. I pray that you find sweet refreshment this year as you regain your focus to love your family fully and first. Blessings to you!!!

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Hey, Lindsay!


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irreverent conversations about growth

Wake Up is a podcast about growth and fulfillment.  In her authentic style, Lindsay will entertain you and make you laugh while pushing you to show up for yourself and recognize how powerful you really are. Buckle up; you're about to grow!

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