New momtrepreneurs are always asking me what I would do differently if I could go back and start my business over again.
They want to know what mistakes I made so they can avoid them.
I think women can be our own worst enemy and even though we have a lot of motivation and vision, we end up doing things that could be avoided.
I’ve worked with a lot of new momtrepreneurs and I’ve noticed the same things tend to trip people up.
I made out a list because I believe avoiding these traps can get you to your goals faster.
Top 6 mistakes made by new momtrepreneurs:
Starting without a plan.
Don’t get freaked out and think I’m saying you have to get a full blown business plan before starting. I’m not. BUT…you do need a plan. How many hours are you going to work? How will you market your business? What is your budget? What skills do you need to improve? Brainstorm, do your research, and write your plan down.
Not being totally passionate about your idea.
I fully believe that if you’re not completely passionate about the product or service you are selling, you’re going to have a hard time reaching your goals. People need to trust you in order to buy from you and if you don’t have passion, they will see that. It’s also really, really hard to get through bad days if you’re not totally connected to passion. And, there will be bad days.
Going it alone.
Most of us start our businesses alone because we can’t afford to hire people and that’s totally ok. You need a support system though. Even if you’re doing all the work, you need people there to help you by supporting and encouraging. Spouse, family, friends – bring them in on what you’re doing. It’s also a great idea to create a tribe of women who are doing the same thing as you. Support systems can be everything on those hard days.
Copying everything you see.
There is a difference between looking to others for inspiration and outright copying their work. This goes for marketing material you create, words you write on social media, and anything else you think can be perceived as copying. Be inspired, but put your own twist on it. Your audience will know when you’re not being true to yourself too and that’s a big part of the trust relationship.
Waiting until everything is “perfect.”
Let me say this loud – THERE IS NO PERFECT TIME. You will not wake up one day and think “hmmm, it’s a great day to start a business because all my fears and doubts have gone away!” Seriously. Start with what you have now and work for the rest.
Not starting right now.
The perfect time doesn’t exists so, what are you waiting for? One of the biggest regrets I hear from women is not having started earlier. Fear and doubt held them back and while that’s valid, you need to kick it to the curb. START NOW. Right now.
I’d love to hear about any mistakes you made in the beginning and how you would do it differently now.
Thank you Lindsay!