We all have the one photographer in our mind that we say to ourselves “someday that person is going to take my family photos.” Right? Or is it just me? I don’t think it’s just me. You should make note of those photographers that you love and set out to have your photos created by them. They’re your “someday” photographer.
Well, I’ve drooled over Melissa Koehler’s photos for YEARS now (one tiny look and you’ll see why). When I was living in Colorado she was actually thinking about making a trip out and I was trying to scramble for ideas on how I might be able to afford to do it then. Melissa lives in California (San Diego to be exact) so getting a session with her would be tricky for sure. When we made plans to be in So Cal for vacation this year, a photo session with Melissa became a reality. I booked like 8 months in advance or something to make sure she had room for us and we drove from LA to San Diego just for this shoot. Look, when you want something, you gotta make it happen, right?!?! You don’t get the opportunity to have your family pictures done by someone you admire and love just every day!
Here she is. How cute is she? She’s good peeps.
Well, folks, we did it and I’m happy to say that I love EVERY. STINKING. ONE. of the photos Melissa took of the family. She’s adorable and funny and sweet and talented and I could go on and on. Money well spent. If you’re in the San Diego area or you ever plan to be. Save your pennies because she’s worth 8 times what she charges. True story.
Who wants to see some photos, huh?
Still can’t believe this is us. We’re like a real, live family and all that. I don’t know why it’s taking me 3 kids and 4.5 years to figure that out. Still feels strange.
Boston (left), Teagan (right). 4-years-old. Identical mirror twins. Can you believe that? What am I doing with twins? That’s one question I’ll be asking God once I get to heaven. Believe that.
Kenendy Elise. My little ninja. She looks so innocent here. Like she’d be the last child on EARTH to stick unknown objects up her nose and sneak candy into other rooms to eat it.
This is one of my faves. Look at those colors all around us. So good, Melissa. So good.
lovin’ on my dude. yep. we still got it goin’ on.
Me and my Addy girl. Still my baby. Don’t want her to EVER grow up!
These girls loved being at the beach with their daddy. It’s the thing they talk about the most about our vacation and considering we went to Disney Land, that means something. They ran away from waves for HOURS. He’s so good at being a girl daddy. That’s one question I never have to ask God about because the answer is so obvious. He’s just meant to be a daddy of girls.
haha. this makes me laugh. look at B & T laughing. Adorable.
Yea, I’d say this pretty much sums it up.
Daddy & Addy. BFF’s. I’m pretty sure she’s his!
Boston Bean. Love this girl. She has decided to take the “give mom a run for her money” crown from Teagan lately. She’s lucky she’s cute!
Teagan. Sigh. Can this possibly be the same tiny baby I held on December 7th at 4 pounds?
Yep, he’s a superstud and yep, he still looks smokin’ hot in pink.
My little girls. This picture makes me so happy. I’m going to hang it on my wall and it will be there until the day I die. I’ll look back on it when I’m old and they’re having their own babies and I’ll remember how much I love them and that all the time and energy is 100% worth it. THIS picture right here is why you hire your favorite photographer and not the one that’s the cheapest. There’s just something different about it and it’s about the artist who creates it. Love you, Melissa, for this photo…well, all of them, but this one especially.
How long until they stop holding my hand? Hopefully never.
So who’s your “someday” photographer? Don’t let these years slip through your fingers, they’ll be gone before you know it.
Good grief ya’ll are cute!